CEO’s Message

It is my pleasure to give you another update of how your Hospital is doing. With half the

year gone, we can confidently say that the Hospital continues to deliver healthcare with a

difference in all our areas of service and our products. The half year results have been good

and far much better than the results of the whole of 2005.

The KHA annual General meeting was held in July and we thank you for attending this

meeting. We consider the AGM as a time when we stand before you to explain how we have

been running the Hospital that you have placed in our care. We are humbled by your continued

support and praise as shown at the last meeting and can only promise you that with your

continued support we will manage the Hospital in a professional, ethical and business manner.

At the meeting, Dr. Chris Obura and Ms. Rose Kimotho were re-elected to the Board and

Dr. C. Obura was subsequently elected back as Chairman at the Board meeting held on 25th July 2006.

Dr. J.A. Alouch was also re-elected as vice chairman. We congratulate them all for their


This issue of the newsletter carries news about various staff development programmes

that a number of staff have been sponsored to attend. In the month of May 2006, a

customer service coordinator was recruited and we believe that she will add value to

our customer service. We also received feedback on the market survey carried out in

April and May 2006 and we are in the process of implementing the various activities

and initiatives identified in this survey. Indeed we have already embarked on these

and you will notice our increased efforts at meeting your enquiries through the

customer service personnel. We value our clients and customers more than any other

aspects and this alone gives us the impetus to further improve our service delivery

and quality.

Our corporate social responsibility activities continue to draw and endear us to a

number of causes and we are glad to be of service. In a silent manner, we have

extended support to many individuals and institutions in the last half year.

On the projects side, we are now on the final leg of the projects with the short stay

unit now complete and ready to open its doors to the public. Following closely is the

En suite plaza with the doctors’ plaza not too far off. Full details of these projects will

be carried in the next issue. The refurbished physiotherapy is now ready and I invite

you to visit and use the services which include a gymnasium. At least this is one

product where we can invite you to use as you do not have to be unwell.

We believe in socializing the young minds to help them identify their careers of choice

at an early age. In the last quarter some of our visitors have included our future

healthcare professionals represented by students from the Banda School, our partners

in Rwanda, the Government Hospitals (provincial and District medical superintendents

and nursing officers) and various student attachments from the local and international

institutions. We believe that in supporting such visits we are indeed supporting the

larger cause of promoting healthcare delivery through knowledge and information


Lastly dear members, I invite you to join us at our KHA Open day which will be held

on 27th October 2006 at the New Lecture Theatre.Dr. Cleopa Mailu, MBS CEO:

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