Lamaze Sessions

Lamaze is a special clinic run by mid-wives whose main objective is to teach expectant parents appropriate breathing exercises, share information on all aspects of pregnancy, labour and delivery that promote and enhance their well being during antenatal, intra partal and postnatal periods. Through this experience, expectant parents acquire knowledge and coping skills on how to gain support that will enhance competence in pregnancy and early parenting.

The Lamaze class structure involves:
A certified 12 hour course covering topics such as stages & positions for labor, relaxation & breathing techniques, true & false labor pains, medical interventions, post natal exercises, problems and solutions for breast-feeding, etc.
Classes targeting mothers in their last trimester accompanied by a support partner.
Instruction provided by a Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator-LCCE
A curriculum which meets the standards set by Lamaze International
Lamaze classes are held on: Thursday evenings for 2 hours (6.00pm-8.00pm)

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